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. 2016 Dec 21;12:59–71. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S117196

Table 2.

Baseline demographic characteristics and COPD severity of study cohorts

Patient characteristics Similar-devices cohort (n=8,225) Mixed-devices cohort (n=8,225)
Demographic characteristics
Age (years)
 40–60, n (%) 1,856 (22.6) 1,856 (22.6)
 61–80, n (%) 5,863 (71.3) 5,863 (71.3)
 >80, n (%) 506 (6.2) 506 (6.2)
 Mean (SD) 67.3 (9.9) 67.2 (9.7)
Male, n (%) 4,645 (56.5) 4,645 (56.5)
Body mass index (kg/m2)
 <18.5, n (%) 151 (1.8) 151 (1.8)
 18.5–24.9, n (%) 2,892 (35.2) 2,892 (35.2)
 25–29.9, n (%) 2,981 (36.2) 2,981 (36.2)
 ≥30, n (%) 2,201 (26.8) 2,201 (26.8)
Mean (SD) 27.4 (6.1) 27.4 (5.7)
Smoking status (closest to index date)
 Nonsmoker, n (%) 584 (7.1) 584 (7.1)
 Current smoker, n (%) 3,029 (36.8) 3,029 (36.8)
 Ex-smoker, n (%) 4,612 (56.1) 4,612 (56.1)
COPD severity
FEV1% predicteda
GOLD 1: FEV1 ≥80 (mild), n (%) 717 (8.7) 717 (8.7)
 GOLD 2: 50≤ FEV1 <80 (moderate), n (%) 4,659 (56.6) 4,659 (56.6)
 GOLD 3: 30≤ FEV1 <50 (severe), n (%) 2,003 (24.4) 2,003 (24.4)
 GOLD 4: FEV1 <30 (very severe), n (%) 846 (10.3) 846 (10.3)
 Mean (SD) 55.9 (22.6) 55.7 (22.5)
COPD exacerbationsb
 0, n (%) 4,226 (51.4) 4,226 (51.4)
 1, n (%) 2,394 (29.1) 2,394 (29.1)
 2, n (%) 972 (11.8) 972 (11.8)
 ≥3, n (%) 633 (7.7) 633 (7.7)

Notes: Variables were not compared statistically as all were used in matching process.


FEV1 % predicted grouped by GOLD classifications;


moderate/severe exacerbations were identified by acute course of oral corticosteroids (OCS) unlikely to be maintenance therapy, antibiotics prescribed within a lower respiratory consultation or admission to hospital/emergency department for COPD or following lower respiratory consultation. Further details of prescriptions of OCS and antibiotics are found in Table 3.

Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; GOLD, Global initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.