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. 2017 Jan;139(1):e20161581. doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-1581


Characteristics of Parent Participants, Their Children, and Health Care Providers

n (%) or Median [Interquartile Range]
Parent characteristics (n = 23)
 Relationship to child
  Mother 19 (82.6%)
  Father 4 (17.4%)
 Age, y 38 [33–45]
 Race or ethnicitya
  White 11 (50.0%)
  Hispanic 8 (36.4%)
  Other 3 (13.6%)
 Marital statusa
  Single 10 (43.5%)
  Married 7 (31.8%)
  Divorced or separated 5 (22.7%)
 Native languagea
  English 17 (77.3%)
  Other 5 (22.7%)
 Educational attainmenta
  High school completion or less 3 (13.6%)
  College initiated or completed 17 (77.3%)
  Postgraduate degree or higher 2 (9.1%)
Child characteristics
 Age, y 5.5 [1.3–13.5]
 Sex (% female) 10 (43.5%)
 Technology dependentb 15 (65.2%)
 Primary payerc
  Private insurance 5 (27.8%)
  Public insurance 13 (72.2%)
 Had hospitalization in year preceding index hospitalization (yes) 19 (82.6%)
 Number of hospitalizations in year preceding index hospitalization 2 [1–4]
Health care provider characteristics (n = 16)
  Nurse 4 (25%)
  Nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant 3 (19%)
  Physician (specialty) 9 (56%)
   Primary care provider 3 (33%)
   Hospitalist 2 (22%)
   Specialist 4 (44%)
  Female 13 (81%)
 Primary practice setting
  Primarily inpatient-based 8 (50%)
  Primarily outpatient-based 8 (50%)

Missing for 1 participant.


Defined as home use of any of the following: gastrostomy tube, jejunostomy tube, central line, tracheostomy, ventilator, ventricular shunt, ostomies, or dialysis.


Missing for 5 participants.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure