Effect of organotellurium compounds 1 to 5 on the intracellular accumulation of Nile red in S. cerevisiae AD/CaMDR1. The panels A to D and I to L show the bright-field images of the corresponding fluorescence microscopy images shown in panels E to H and M to P. AD/CaMDR1 cells preloaded with Nile red were incubated under the following conditions: A and E, PBS (pH 7.2) without any compound; B and F, + 0.5% DMSO; C and G, + compound 1; D and H, + compound 2; I and M, + compound 3; J and N, + compound 4; and K and O, + compound 5. Panels L and P show cell images for the Nile red-preloaded sensitive control strain S. cerevisiae AD in PBS (pH 7.2) without the addition of any compound. The pump-inhibitory effects of compounds 1 to 5 were tested at 100 μM (34, 35, 36, 38, and 40 μg/ml, respectively).