Table 1. Synthesis models explaining species richness of plant (a) and animal taxa (b) derived by multi-model averaging.
Shown are standardized parameter estimates for all predictor variables derived from weighted averaging of parameter estimates over best-fit models. Colours indicate significant (P<0.05) positive (blue) or negative (red) effects from multi-model averaging analyses. Results for two additional plant groups with low numbers of species are presented in Supplementary Table 3.
*Total number of detected species/morphospecies for each taxon.
†Number of best-fit models (ΔAIC<4) used for inference on parameter estimates and variable importance.
††Standardized estimates (standardized beta) over all best-fit models including the respective predictor variable.
Other aculeate Hym., other aculeate hymenoptera; MAT, mean annual temperature; MAP, mean annual precipitation; MDE, mid-domain effect prediction; MMT, mean minimum temperature; NPP, net primary productivity; PSR, plant species richness.