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. 2016 Dec 14;2016:8212063. doi: 10.1155/2016/8212063

Table 1.

Characteristics of 20 prospective cohort studies of AMD and risk of cardiovascular disease outcomes included in this meta-analysis.

Study: first author, year Country cohort details Participants, age (years) Early AMD late AMD Eligibility criteria Mean follow-up, years Outcome Adjustment for covariates Study design
Borger et al. 2003 [14] The Rotterdam Study
6339, age >55 477 104 Retinal photograph 7 Mortality
(medical records)
Age, gender, smoking, BMI, cholesterol level, atherosclerosis, hypertension, history of cardiovascular disease prospective
Buch et al. 2005 [15] The Copenhagen City Eye Study (Denmark) 866, 60–80 228 31 Retinal photograph 14 Mortality
(ICD8, ICD10)
Age, gender, smoking status, alcohol consumption, BMI, total cholesterol level, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, any cataract, visual loss (20/40) prospective
Clemons et al. 2004 [16] AREDS 4753, 55–81 2650 957 Fundus photograph 6.5 Mortality
(medical records)
Age, sex, race, education, smoking status, BMI, diabetes mellitus, angina, cancer, hypertension prospective
Cugati et al. 2007 [17] BMES (Australian) 3532, age > 49 177 72 Retinal photograph 10.7 Mortality
(ICD9, ICD10)
Age, sex, BMI, hypertension diabetes mellitus, current smoking, and baseline history of angina, acute myocardial infarction, triglyceride level, fibrinogen level, educational level, walking disability, stroke prospective
Duan et al. 2007 [18] USA 1445677,
mean 76 (7.8)
126693 30885 ICD-9 2 MI
Age, gender, race, hypertension, and diabetes retrospective
Fernandez et al. 2012 [19] MESA (USA) 6233, 45–84 893 27 Retinal photograph 5.4 CHD and
CVD (medical records)
Age, sex, race, hypertension, cigarette smoking, site of enrollment, CRP, level of education and diabetes, BMI, serum total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol prospective
Fisher et al. 2015 [20] AGES (Israel) 4910, 67–96 1064 277 Retinal photograph 8.6 Mortality
Age, gender prospective
Golan et al. 2011 [21] MHS (Israel) 68217, age ≥
6546 ICD-9 4.75 MI
Age, gender retrospective
Hu et al. 2010
LHID (Taiwan) 1254,
mean 62.7
0 209 ICD-9 5 Stroke
Age, gender, monthly income, level of urbanization, the geographic region of the community retrospective
Ikram et al. 2012 [23] ARICS (USA) 12216
576 15 Retinal photograph 13 Stroke
(medical records)
Mean arterial blood pressure, antihypertensive medications, cell count fasting glucose, white blood, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride levels, BMI, atrial fibrillation, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption status. prospective
Knudtson et al. 2006 [24] BDES (Australian) 4747,
909 79 Retinal photograph 13.2 Mortality
(ICD-9, ICD-10)
Age, sex, proteinuria, history of cancer, BMI, BMI2, ratio of total to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, smoking, pulse rate, education, diabetes status, cardiovascular SBP disease history, sedentary lifestyle prospective
Liao et al. 2008
CMS (USA) 1303186, ≥65.0 140645 27193 ICD-9 2 Stroke
Age, gender, race, hypertension, diabetes retrospective
Nguyen-Khoa et al. 2008
USA 27411,
0 7203 ICD-9 3.5 MI and CVD
Presence of angina, cardiac arrhythmia, Charlson score, congestive heart failure, diabetes, heart disease, history of acute MI,
history of CVA, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, other cerebrovascular diseases
Pedula et al. 2015
SOF (USA) 1202,
441 46 Retinal photograph 9.5 Mortality and CVD
Age, race, self-reported frailty, body mass index, Minimental State Examination score, walking speed, history of congestive heart failure, history of myocardial infarction, history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, history of thiazide diuretic use Prospective
Sun et al. 2009
CHS (USA) 1715, 69–97 268 24 Retinal photograph 6 CHD and stroke
(medical records)
Age, gender, race, systolic and diastolic, blood pressure, hypertension status, fasting glucose, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, cigarette smoking, pack-years of smoking, CRP prospective
Tan et al. 2008
BMES (Australian) 2853, 49–97 130 51 Retinal photograph 11 Mortality (ICD-9, ICD-10) Age, gender, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, BMI, serum lipids, fibrinogen, white cell count prospective
Wieberdink et al. 2011 [9] The Rotterdam Study (Netherlands) 6207, 61.7–74.8 2166 93 Retinal photograph 13.6 Stroke
(medical records)
Age, sex, diabetes, systolic blood pressure, antihypertensive
medication, current smoking, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, carotid artery plaques, body mass index, alcohol intake and CRP, APOE, CFH
Wong et al. 2006 [8] ARICS (USA) 10405, 49–73 498 10 Retinal photograph 8 Stroke
(ICD-9, ICD-10)
Age, sex, ethnicity, site, systolic blood pressure, diabetes, antihypertensive medication use, cigarette smoking prospective
Wong et al. 2007 [7] ARICS (USA) 11414, 49–73 540 15 Retinal photograph 8 Mortality and CHD
(medical records)
Age, gender, race, and center, and then further for education, body mass index, systolic and diastolic BPs, diabetes status, total plasma cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, pack-years of cigarette smoking, current alcohol consumption prospective
Alexander et al. 2007 [6] USA 62179, mean 80.5 0 15771 ICD-9 2 MI and CVD (ICD-9) Age, race, gender, length of data within the database retrospective

AREDS: Age-Related Eye Disease Study; BMES: Blue Mountains Eye Study; MESA: Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; AGES: Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility Reykjavik Study; LHID: Longitudinal Health Insurance Database; ARICS: Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study; BDES: Beaver Dam Eye Study; CMS: Medicare and Medicaid Services; SOF: Study of Osteoporotic Fractures; CHS: Cardiovascular Health Study; BMI: body mass index.