Bilateral whisker stimulations evoke responses in cortical S1 and dorsolateral striatum. (A) Scheme of the experimental setup. Whole-cell recordings were obtained from dorsolateral striatum simultaneously with extracellular LFPs recorded in the ipsi- and contralateral barrel fields in S1 (LFP1 and LFP2, respectively). (B) Responses to whisker deflection as recorded in the striatum (whole-cell recording, “top”), ipsilateral S1 (LFP1, “middle”), and contralateral S1 (LFP2, “bottom”). Presented traces are averages of 40 repetitions. (C) Onset delay, responses in both S1 and dorsolateral striatum were several milliseconds earlier for contralateral whisker stimulation. (D) Responses to contralateral whisker deflection were larger than those to ipsilateral stimulation, as measured in simultaneous whole-cell recordings in striatum and bilateral LFP recordings in S1. (E). Ipsilateral corticostriatal projections from S1 to dorsolateral striatum labeled by anterograde labeling (BDA-10000) in S1, shown at increasing magnifications (a–c). (F) Example of contralateral striatum receiving no corticostriatal projections from S1, as shown at increasing magnifications (a–c).