Circles on the nodes show posterior probabilities (PP) from the Bayesian analysis under the GTR+I+G model (15,000,000 generations, burn-in 12%). Grey circles: PP = 100; white circles: PP = 99–95; black/white circles: PP = 90–93; black circle: PP = 85. Branches present in the MP strict consensus tree is marked with a dashed line (MP trees = 2720, steps = 1605, CI = 0.57, RI = 0.89). Bootstrap percentages (1000 replicates) are given below the branches. D or K letters after the taxon refer to the accessions obtained from Degtjareva et al. [14] or Kondo & Shimai [15], respectively (Table 2). See Table 1 for further details about our Pinguicula accessions.