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. 2016 Dec 28;11(12):e0168176. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0168176

Table 2. Movement parameters and home range sizes for GPS-collared jaguar across Brazil and Argentina biomes.

Home ranges were estimated via 95% Kernel Density Estimates (KDE) and Autocorrelated Kernel Density Estimates (AKDE)1.

ID Sex/age (years) Number of fixes/days Home range crossing time (day) Velocity autocorrelation timescale (h) Average distance traveled (km/day) 95% KDE (km2)2 AKDE (km2) (95% CI)
 Baden M/9 1,024/507 6.8 2.6 4.4 169.5 207.0 (168.8–249.3)
 Caculao M/7 516/190 5.9 3.3 4.6 180.3 253.7 (187.7–329.6)
 Confuso M/9 61/251 3.4 1.9 4.3 67.6 75.9 (39.3–124.5)
 Coto F/7 501/154 9.7 2.5 2.3 53.0 85.5 (52.9–125.9)
 Mamad* M/7 295/383 20.4 NA NA 174.3 309.7 (167.2–495.3)
 Mamae F/11 784/333 4.8 0.9 4.2 43.7 49.4 (41.3–58.2)
 Mudinha F/5 3,700/429 7.7 1.0 3.9 53.6 70.2 (58.1–83.4)
Atlantic Forest
 Cassio M/6 159/159 1.5 NA NA 108.5 110.9 (92.1–131.4)
 Denis M/5 797/370 4.5 0.9 15.4 414.9 502.1 (435.9–572.9)
 Femea* F/5 211/139 4.3 NA NA 85.6 113.1 (85.2–145.0)
 Gigi F/7 35/1,749 2.6 NA NA 233.5 246.2 (164.4–344.3)
 Livia* F/7 183/209 18.5 NA NA 230.4 718.6 (312.9–1290.1)
 Taia* F/4 326/1,141 7.3 NA NA 183.2 250.7 (187.4–323.1)
 Guacurari M/7 7,668/220 6.2 0.5 15.3 421.4 560.8 (431.7–706.6)
 Naipi* F/2 53/119 2.5 NA NA 137.6 143.8 (98.8–197.0)
 Yasirandi F/6 322/224 1.6 2.2 7.0 134.5 135.6 (117.0–155.5)
 Zezao* M/8 156/171 2.1 NA NA 591.4 677.4 (550.7–817.1)
 Xango 1 M/? 1,633/153 6.9 0.8 18.3 722.5 1,268.6 (831.9–1,795.8)
 Xango 2 M/? 799/179 4.5 1.9 14.3 807.4 1,163.2 (904.8–1,453.6)
 Anderson M/7 5,040/260 3.3 0.3 8.7 25.0 37.2 (32.1–47.2)
 Caiman M/5 2,303/135 4.5 0.4 8.9 70.8 144.0 (78.9–144.0)
 Dale M/7 4,705/252 9.3 0.3 6.7 58.4 91.9 (66.3–121.7)
 Fera F/3 4,952/255 4.7 0.4 5.7 25.2 34.8 (30.2–39.7)
 Milagre M/6 3,339/191 12.8 0.4 7.2 54.7 174.3 (105.0–261.0)
 Selema F/6 2,817/126 4.2 0.4 5.8 23.7 37.8 (28.1–48.8)
 Wendy* F/5 1,287/192 8.1 NA NA 27.4 52.1 (36.0–71.2)
 Brutus M/5 1,256/76 3.6 0.5 15.6 193.2 277.7 (189.3–382.8)
 Chuva F/10 741/73 0.9 0.3 13.9 31.5 35.9 (29.1–43.4)
 Esperanca 1 F/7 842/53 1.1 0.2 15.4 31.1 39.7 (31.8–48.3)
 Esperanca 2 F/10 2,232/126 1.8 0.2 12.5 31.2 36.9 (31.5–42.7)
 Nati M/10 758/52 2.5 0.4 15.8 98.1 175.5 (113.6–259.7)
 Nusa F/10 2,201/127 2.5 0.4 8.9 46.5 58.0 (47.5–69.7)
 Teorema F/7 4,643/275 2.3 0.3 11.4 50.4 61.0 (54.9–67.4)
 Troncha F/10 1,324/87 2.8 0.3 14.3 111.2 138.6 (102.2–180.3)
 Vida F/5 398/33 0.6 0.3 16.4 15.3 24.7 (19.2–30.9)

1We used ctmm for AKDE home range estimation, following procedures by Fleming et al. (2015) [11] and Calabrese et al. (2016) [25]. For most animals we were able to fit an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Foraging (OUF) process model (Fleming et al 2014a, b) [27,28] to estimate home range area. Home ranges for animals marked with * were based on an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process model.

2Confidence intervals can be estimated for KDE using the ctmm package [25]. These data, however, were small and not included.