Figure 4. Population fitness of INV1 producing Guy11 and the Δinv1 mutant in axenic and mixed-strain populations of intermediate frequencies.
(a, b, d) Populations were established by inoculation with 1×105 conidia with varying initial frequencies of invertase producers and non-producers, with population fitness being assessed by the number of conidia recovered per plate. (a), on 1% sucrose agar media (mean ± s.e.m., n = 9). Single genotype populations of Guy11 produced more conidia than the Δinv1 mutant (p<0.0002, two-sided 2-sample t-test, n = 9). In addition, as when analyzing the in vivo data in Figure 2a, we hypothesize that the number of conidia recovered per mixed Guy11 and Δinv1 populations is not higher than the number of conidia recovered from Guy11-only populations. However, we can reject this hypothesis using properties of Boolean algebra (*p<0.025, **p<0.004, two-sided 2-sample t-test with Bonferroni correction, n = 9, see Appendix 1A for detailed analysis). (b) Population fitness on 0.01% sucrose agar media to remove the influence of a rate-efficiency trade-off. In this case there was no significant difference amongst fitnesses of mixed populations of producers and non-producers and single genotype populations of producers (p>0.75, F(4, 40) =0.48, one-way ANOVA, n = 9, detecting effect size of 0.79 with the probability of Type II error of 0.01). (c) Population fitness in 1% sucrose liquid media to minimise population spatial structure. There was no significant difference amongst fitnesses of mixed populations of producers and non-producers and pure producer populations (p>0.85, F(4, 40) =0.33, one-way ANOVA, n = 9, detecting effect size of 0.62 with the probability of Type II error of 0.01). Cultures were prepared using a mycelial homogenate and fitness measured as biomass production (dry weight). (d) Population fitness on 1% glucose agar media to remove the need for invertase mediated metabolism and hence spatial heterogeneity in hexoses. There was no significant difference amongst fitnesses of mixed populations of producers and non-producers and pure producer populations (p>0.9, F (4, 40) = 0.24, one-way ANOVA, n = 9, detecting effect size of 0.55 with the probability of Type II error of 0.01).