PU.1 Controls the Development of PU.1hiFlt3+MHCII+ R2 Monocytes at Steady State
(A and B) Expression of PU.1 (black shading) and isotype control (gray shading) within Ly6ChiCD115+ monocytes (R1 and R2) and pre-DCs (R3) (A) and in Ly6ChiMHCII−, Ly6C+MHCII+, and Ly6C−MHCII+CD115+ cells (B) in the blood as seen by intra-nuclear staining of PU1 by flow cytometry. Numbers within plots indicate the MFI of PU.1.
(C–E) Representative flow cytometric analysis of the blood of Sfpi1+/+ and Sfpi1+/− mice at steady state. (C) Comparison of total (SIRPα+CD115+), Ly6C+, and Ly6Clo blood monocytes by flow cytometry and quantification as the percentage of total live cells. (D and E) Comparison of Ly6C+MHCII−, Ly6C+MHCII+, and Ly6C−MHCII+ cells within SIRPα+CD115+ monocytes (D) and of R1–R3 within Ly6Chi MHCII+/− monocytes (E) in the BM and blood. Gray bars indicate intracellular staining for MHCII.
Data represent the mean ± SEM of three mice per group from three identical experiments (∗p < 0.05,∗∗p < 0.005, ∗∗∗p < 0.0005; Student’s t test). Please also refer to Figure S3.