Figure 4. UPF1 function in premature translation termination requires RNA binding and cofactors UPF2 and UPF3.
(a–c) Northern blot analysis of PTC-containing PGK1 reporter mRNA. (a) upf1Δ cells complemented with either ATPase-deficient UPF1 (UPF1-DE) or the same mutant also lacking RNA-binding activity (UPF1-DE/RR). (b) PGK1-PTC344 reporter mRNA in upf1Δ cells expressing wild-type (WT) or mutant UPF1 (DE) and also lacking UPF2 (upf2Δ), UPF3 (upf3Δ) or both (upf2Δupf3Δ). (c) PGK1-PTC344 reporter mRNA in upf1Δ cells expressing ATPase-deficient UPF1 (DE), mutant UPF1 relieved for allosteric inhibition of ATPase and helicase activities (F), or UPF1 harbouring both mutations (F/DE) in cells either with or without UPF2 (upf2Δ). Full-length reporter mRNA (FL) and 3′ RNA fragments (arrow) are indicated. RNA levels were normalized to NMD-insensitive SCR1 RNA. Results are representative of three independent experiments. Nt, nucleotide.