Fig. 4.
Starting frequencies of protective alleles necessary to create a Pacific Island population first-contact-like pattern if genetic changes can contribute to a drop in mortality rates. We assumed that heterozygosity and homozygosity for each protective allele provided 100% protection against death from the relevant pathogen (i.e. p1,ijk = 1, where i > 1, p2,ijk = 1, where j > 1, etc.). We used Latin Hypercube Sampling to select different starting frequencies for each of the three possible protective alleles, where each allele could start at a frequency between 0 and 1. 25 000 different combinations of starting allele frequencies were tested. Panels (a–f) illustrate combinations of starting allele frequencies (s1–s3) which produced a first-contact-like pattern (as described in the Methods section) under six different pathogen mortality scenarios. s1 is the starting frequency of the allele that protects against the pathogen where R0 = 1·5; s2, R0 = 3·5 and s3, R0 = 15. Values of the three pathogen-specific maximum mortality rates, θ1, θ2 and θ3 are given in the title of each panel. In all panels, γ = 0. All other parameters are as given in the Methods section.