Table 1.
S.No. | Phytochemical constituent | Test | Inference |
1. | Alkaloids | Wagner's Test Mayer's Test |
a |
2. | Carbohydrates | Molisch's Test Fehling's Test |
a |
3. | Flavonoids | Shinoda Test | a |
4. | Glycosides | Borntrager's Test Legal's Test Keller–Killiani Test |
a |
5. | Saponins | Froth Test | a |
6. | Steroids | Salkowski reaction | a |
7. | Tannins and Phenolic compounds | Ferric Chloride Test Lead Acetate Test Nitric Acid Test |
a |
8. | Terpenoids | Libermann–Burchard's test | a |
Indicates presence of phytochemical constituents.