Table 2.
Variablea | Baseline mean (SD) |
12-month mean (SD) |
Baseline to 12-Month | P > |t| Baseline to 12 months | |
Mean change | 95% CI |
HbA1c ↓ b (n=526) | 8.04 (1.44) | 7.60 (1.55) | –0.447 | –0.559 to –0.348 | <.001 |
PHQ-8 depression (0-24) ↓ | 5.92 (4.96) | 4.89 (4.87) | –1.02 | –1.32 to –0.753 | <.001 |
General health (0-5) ↓ | 2.87 (0.770) | 2.77 (0.768) | –0.097 | –0.140 to –0.048 | <.001 |
Illness intrusiveness (1-7) ↓ | 2.79 (1.22) | 2.65 (1.29) | –0.133 | –0.214 to –0.065 | <.001 |
Hypoglycemic symptoms (0-7) ↓ | 1.39 (1.42) | 1.13 (1.29) | –0.260 | –0.352 to –0.171 | <.001 |
Fatigue (1-10) ↓ | 4.82 (2.31) | 4.28 (2.52) | –0.541 | –0.707 to –0.385 | <.001 |
Sleep (1-10) ↓ | 3.91 (2.91) | 3.68 (2.82) | –0.223 | –0.427 to –0.040 | .02 |
Aerobic exercise (min/week) ↑ | 84.0 (99.6) | 101 (102) | 16.7 | 9.91 to 23.4 | <.001 |
Stretching or range of motion (min/week) ↑ | 27.6 (45.1) | 34.0 (47.7) | 6.28 | 2.83 to 9.52 | <.001 |
Communication with MD (0-5) ↑ | 2.61 (1.08) | 2.87 (1.20) | 0.255 | 0.185 to 0.322 | <.001 |
Medication adherence (0-4) ↓ | 1.09 (1.17) | 0.917 (1.07) | –0.180 | –0.240 to –0.103 | <.001 |
Proportion eye exam, last 12 months (0,1) ↑c | 0.778 | 0.849 | 0.070 | 0.035 to 0.105 | <.001 |
Proportion foot exam, last 12 months (0,1) ↑c | 0.710 | 0.799 | 0.090 | 0.056 to 0.123 | <.001 |
Proportion cholesterol exam, last 12 months (0,1) ↑c | 0.932 | 0.947 | 0.014 | –0.007 to 0.036 | .19 |
Proportion kidney exam, last 12 months (0,1) ↑c | 0.776 | 0.885 | 0.109 | 0.077 to 0.141 | <.001 |
aPossible range given in parentheses after variable name.
bBecause of a lab recalibration changing HbA1c measurement, HbA1c prior to June 2014 was adjusted by adding 0.4. ↑ Indicates that a higher score is desirable, and ↓ that a lower score is desirable.
c“Don’t know” set to no exam, change scores for those in both 6- and 12-month follow-ups.