D1. Thinking about the time you have been living here, when indoors at home, have you felt any vibration or shaking anywhere that you think was caused by: |
Cars, lorries, buses and other road vehicles |
N: 229, Y: 120 |
N: 65.4, Y: 34.4 |
349 |
If respondents answered yes to any of these they were directed to further questions (D2–D4) about the vibration they felt: How, Where, Activity disturbed. Else they moved to questions about rattle. |
Aeroplanes |
N: 343, Y: 7 |
N: 98.0, Y: 2.0 |
350 |
Helicopters |
N: 340, Y: 38 |
N: 97.1, Y: 2.9 |
350 |
Railway activity |
N: 311, Y: 38 |
N: 88.9, Y: 10.9 |
349 |
Underground trains like the tube or metro |
N: 343, Y: 6 |
N: 98.0, Y: 1.7 |
349 |
Trains in tunnels |
N: 345, Y: 6 |
N: 98.0, Y: 1.7 |
349 |
Construction activity, including demolition, piling, road works, drilling, surface activity such as bulldozers and loading trucks and any other construction activity |
N: 115, Y: 235 |
N: 32.9, Y: 67.1 |
350 |
Quarrying or mining |
N: 348, Y: 2 |
N: 99.4, Y: 0.6 |
350 |
Footsteps, slamming doors, domestic appliances inside this home |
N: 330, Y: 20 |
N: 94.3, Y: 5.7 |
350 |
Footsteps, slamming doors, domestic appliances in neighbouring homes |
N: 338, Y: 12 |
N: 96.6, Y: 3.4 |
350 |
An unidentified source |
N: 349, Y: 1 |
N: 99.7, Y: 0.3 |
350 |
Any other source |
N: 336, Y: 14 |
N: 96.0, Y: 4.0 |
350 |
Summary, Felt vibration at all |
N: 93, Y: 256 |
N: 26.6, Y: 73.3 |
349 |
D5. Thinking about the time you have been living here, when indoors at home, have you heard or seen things rattle, vibrate or shake that you think was caused by: |
Cars, lorries, buses and other road vehicles |
N: 286, Y: 55 |
N: 81.7, Y: 15.7 |
341 |
If respondents answered yes to any of these they were directed to further questions (D6–D8) about the rattle they felt: How, Where, Activity disturbed. |
Aeroplanes |
N: 340, Y: 1 |
N: 97.1, Y: 0.3 |
341 |
Helicopters |
N: 337, Y: 4 |
N: 96.3, Y: 1.1 |
341 |
Railway activity |
N: 319, Y: 22 |
N: 91.1, Y: 6.3 |
341 |
Underground trains like the tube or metro |
N: 338, Y: 3 |
N: 96.6, Y: 0.9 |
341 |
Trains in tunnels |
N: 340, Y: 1 |
N: 99.7, Y: 0.3 |
341 |
Construction activity, including demolition, piling, road works, drilling, surface activity such as bulldozers and loading trucks and any other construction activity |
N: 182, Y: 159 |
N: 53.4, Y: 46.6 |
341 |
Quarrying or mining |
N: 340, Y: 1 |
N: 99.7, Y: 0.3 |
341 |
Footsteps, slamming doors, domestic |
N: 335, Y: 6 |
N: 95.7, Y: 1.7 |
341 |
appliances inside this home |
Footsteps, slamming doors, domestic appliances in neighbouring homes |
N: 335, Y: 6 |
N: 95.7, Y: 1.7 |
341 |
An unidentified source |
N: 341, Y: 0 |
N: 100 |
341 |
Any other source |
N: 336, Y: 5 |
N: 96.0, Y: 1.4 |
341 |
Summary, Saw rattle at all |
N: 167, Y: 174 |
N: 49.0, Y: 51.0 |
341 |
Summary of Vibration and Rattle |
Felt or saw either vibration or rattle at all |
N: 84, Y: 266 |
N: 24.0, Y:76.0 |
350 |