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. 2016 Dec 14;13(12):1237. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13121237

Table A2.

Response summary continued.

Question Responses Frequency % Total/350 Recoding/Routing
D1. Thinking about the time you have been living here, when indoors at home, have you felt any vibration or shaking anywhere that you think was caused by: Cars, lorries, buses and other road vehicles N: 229, Y: 120 N: 65.4, Y: 34.4 349 If respondents answered yes to any of these they were directed to further questions (D2–D4) about the vibration they felt: How, Where, Activity disturbed. Else they moved to questions about rattle.
Aeroplanes N: 343, Y: 7 N: 98.0, Y: 2.0 350
Helicopters N: 340, Y: 38 N: 97.1, Y: 2.9 350
Railway activity N: 311, Y: 38 N: 88.9, Y: 10.9 349
Underground trains like the tube or metro N: 343, Y: 6 N: 98.0, Y: 1.7 349
Trains in tunnels N: 345, Y: 6 N: 98.0, Y: 1.7 349
Construction activity, including demolition, piling, road works, drilling, surface activity such as bulldozers and loading trucks and any other construction activity N: 115, Y: 235 N: 32.9, Y: 67.1 350
Quarrying or mining N: 348, Y: 2 N: 99.4, Y: 0.6 350
Footsteps, slamming doors, domestic appliances inside this home N: 330, Y: 20 N: 94.3, Y: 5.7 350
Footsteps, slamming doors, domestic appliances in neighbouring homes N: 338, Y: 12 N: 96.6, Y: 3.4 350
An unidentified source N: 349, Y: 1 N: 99.7, Y: 0.3 350
Any other source N: 336, Y: 14 N: 96.0, Y: 4.0 350
Summary, Felt vibration at all N: 93, Y: 256 N: 26.6, Y: 73.3 349
D5. Thinking about the time you have been living here, when indoors at home, have you heard or seen things rattle, vibrate or shake that you think was caused by: Cars, lorries, buses and other road vehicles N: 286, Y: 55 N: 81.7, Y: 15.7 341 If respondents answered yes to any of these they were directed to further questions (D6–D8) about the rattle they felt: How, Where, Activity disturbed.
Aeroplanes N: 340, Y: 1 N: 97.1, Y: 0.3 341
Helicopters N: 337, Y: 4 N: 96.3, Y: 1.1 341
Railway activity N: 319, Y: 22 N: 91.1, Y: 6.3 341
Underground trains like the tube or metro N: 338, Y: 3 N: 96.6, Y: 0.9 341
Trains in tunnels N: 340, Y: 1 N: 99.7, Y: 0.3 341
Construction activity, including demolition, piling, road works, drilling, surface activity such as bulldozers and loading trucks and any other construction activity N: 182, Y: 159 N: 53.4, Y: 46.6 341
Quarrying or mining N: 340, Y: 1 N: 99.7, Y: 0.3 341
Footsteps, slamming doors, domestic N: 335, Y: 6 N: 95.7, Y: 1.7 341
appliances inside this home
Footsteps, slamming doors, domestic appliances in neighbouring homes N: 335, Y: 6 N: 95.7, Y: 1.7 341
An unidentified source N: 341, Y: 0 N: 100 341
Any other source N: 336, Y: 5 N: 96.0, Y: 1.4 341
Summary, Saw rattle at all N: 167, Y: 174 N: 49.0, Y: 51.0 341
Summary of Vibration and Rattle Felt or saw either vibration or rattle at all N: 84, Y: 266 N: 24.0, Y:76.0 350