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. 2016 Dec 15;13(12):1246. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13121246

Table 2.

Functional probes in children for various ages extracted from literature review [3,15,49].

Indicator Units 1 Week 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 8 Years 10 Years
Height (average values) cm 48–52 75 96 100 130 140
Weight (average values) kg 3 10 14.5 18 26 33
FRC 1 mL 75 263 532 660 1174 1546
VC 2 mL 100 475 910 1200 1885 2358
Ventilation mL/min 550 1175 2460 2600 3240 3458
Vt 3 mL 17 78 112 130 180 217
Respiratory frequency breaths/min 30 24 22 20 18 16
Pulse rates 4 (low–high) - 100–160 100–160 90–150 80–140 70–120 60–100
Low-normal systolic blood pressure - >60 >70 >75 >75 >80 >90

1 Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)—volume of gas that remains in lungs at the end of a normal expiration; 2 Vital capacity (VC)—volume of gas that enters in lungs during maximum inhaling; 3 Current Volume (Vt)—volume of gas inhaled or exhaled during a ventilation cycle; 4 When sleeping, the pulse rates of a child may be 10% lower.