Table 4.
Thirty six genes that cause monogenic-CAKUT if mutated
Gene | Protein | Reference |
Autosomal dominant | ||
BMP4 | Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 | 102 |
CHD1L | Chromodomain Helicase DNA Binding Protein 1-Like | 103 |
DSTYK | Dual Serine/Threonine And Tyrosine Protein Kinase | 41 |
EYA1 | EYA Transcriptional Coactivator And Phosphatase 1 | 104 |
GATA3 | GATA Binding Protein 3 | 105,106 |
HNF1B | HNF1 Homeobox B | 107 |
MUC1 | Mucin 1, Cell Surface Associated | 108 |
PAX2 | Paired Box 2 | 109 |
RET | Ret Proto-Oncogene | 110 |
ROBO2 | Roundabout, Axon Guidance Receptor, Homolog 2 (Drosophila) | 111 |
SALL1 | Spalt-Like Transcription Factor 1 | 112 |
SIX1 | SIX Homeobox 1 | 113 |
SIX2 | SIX Homeobox 2 | 102 |
SIX5 | SIX Homeobox 5 | 114 |
SOX17 | SRY (Sex Determining Region Y)-Box 17 | 115 |
SRGAP1 | SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase Activating Protein 1 | 116 |
TBX18 | T-Box 18 | 19 |
TNXB | Tenascin XB | 117 |
UMOD | Uromodulin | 118 |
UPK3A | Uroplakin 3A | 119 |
WNT4 | Wingless-Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 4 | 120,121,122 |
Autosomal recessive | ||
ACE | Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme | 123 |
AGT | Angiotensinogen (Serpin Peptidase Inhibitor, Clade A, Member 8) | 123 |
AGTR1 | Angiotensin II Receptor, Type 1 | 123 |
CHRM3 | Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 3 | 124 |
FGF20 | Fibroblast Growth Factor 20 | 125 |
FRAS1 | Fraser Extracellular Matrix Complex Subunit 1 | 40,126 |
FREM2 | FRAS1 Related Extracellular Matrix Protein 2 | 40 |
FREM1 | FRAS1 Related Extracellular Matrix 1 | 40 |
GRIP1 | Glutamate Receptor Interacting Protein 1 | 40 |
HPSE2 | Heparanase 2 (Inactive) | 127 |
ITGA8 | Integrin, Alpha 8 | 40,128 |
LRIG2 | Leucine-Rich Repeats And Immunoglobulin-Like Domains 2 | 129 |
REN | Renin | 123 |
TRAP1 | TNF Receptor-Associated Protein 1 | 7 |
X-Linked | ||
KAL1 | Anosmin 1 | 130 |