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. 2016 Dec 29;85(1):e00790-16. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00790-16


Relative mRNA levels of virulence genes in strains MGAS2221, M100 (covSΔ133TTCTT137), and M122 (rocAC605A) under in vitro and in vivo conditions

Condition Gene Relative mRNA level or fold change in expressiona
MGAS2221 M122 M100
Exponential growth phase hasA 1 197 111
spyCEP 1 252 141
sse 1 55 54
speB 1 −9 −63
sda1 1 33 26
scpA 1 29 21
slo 1 241 142
nga 1 301 198
sagA 1 1.8 0.86
Stationary phase hasA 1 1 5
spyCEP 1 6 8
sse 1 1 6
speB 1 0.50 −1,366
sda1 1 5.8 4
scpA 1 2 6
slo 1 6 18
nga 1 5 15
sagA 1 6.4 1.4
In vivo hasA 1 24 64
spyCEP 1 3 6
sse 1 4 8
speB 1 1 −76
sda1 1 1.8 2.1
scpA 1 2 3.9
slo 1 1.5 1.6
nga 1 1.9 1.9
sagA 1 3.5 −2.6
In vivo and exponential phaseb hasA 2 0.22 0.97
spyCEP 40 0.46 1.84
sse 3 0.22 0.49
speB 155 1,458 122
sda1 3.2 0.20 0.22
scpA 1.8 0.13 0.33
slo 16 0.25 0.36
nga 15 0.09 0.15
sagA 66 125 30

The real-time RT-PCR data in Fig. 2 and for additional genes were first normalized to those for the internal gyrA control and then to those for MGAS2221.


The normalized in vivo data for each gene of each strain were divided by those for the same strain at the exponential growth phase.