Table 1.
A summary of studies published since the year 2000 investigating the use of de novo yeast hybrids in beer fermentation
Parental strains | Key results | Reference | |
S. cerevisiae ale strain | S. cerevisiae sake strain | The hybrid had an increased fermentation rate and produced increased concentrations of certain aroma compounds | Mukai et al. 2001 |
S. cerevisiae ale strain | S. cerevisiae strain (syn S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus) | Hybrids had higher attenuation levels (i.e., utilized a higher ratio of the original wort carbohydrates) and ethanol yield than the brewing parent strain | Choi et al. 2002 |
S. cerevisiae ale strain | Cold-tolerant S. bayanus strain | Hybrids had greater fermentation rates than the ale parent in low temperature wort fermentations | Sato et al. 2002 |
S. cerevisiae ale strain | Saaz-type S. pastorianus strain | Hybrids showed improved osmo- and temperature tolerance and fermentation performance compared to the lager parent strain | Garcia Sanchez et al. 2012 |
Various S. cerevisiae ale, bakery, sake, and wine strains | Hybrids with higher acetate ester formation than the parent strains were attained. Best-parent heterosis with regards to aroma formation was more common in outbred hybrids than in inbred hybrids | Steensels et al. 2014 | |
S. cerevisiae laboratory strain | S. eubayanus type strain | The hybrid had improved sugar utilization and fermentation rate compared to the parent strains in synthetic wort | Hebly et al. 2015 |
S. cerevisiae ale strain | S. eubayanus type strain | Hybrids exhibited increased fermentation rates and aroma compound formation compared to parent strains | Krogerus et al. 2015 |
Various S. cerevisiae ale and wine strains | S. eubayanus | Hybrids produced a greater diversity of aroma compounds compared to traditional lager yeast and parent strains | Mertens et al. 2015 |
S. cerevisiae ale strain | S. eubayanus type strain | Hybrids exhibited increased fermentation rates and aroma compound formation compared to parent strains. Fermentation performance and aroma formation of the hybrids increased with ploidy. The aroma profile of de novo lager yeast hybrids can be controlled based on the relative contribution of parental DNA | Krogerus et al. 2016 |