Fig. 1.
LC50 of gingival fibroblasts after stimulation with different concentrations of the soluble compounds from child dentifrices. Oral fibroblasts were exposed for 2 min to various concentrations of the soluble compounds from child dentifrices. Viability was measured with an MTT assay and the LC50 were calculated, resulting in three groups that differed statistically significantly. Child dentifrices exhibiting an LC50 below 5 % were Dontodent 6+, Mentadent Kids −6, Candida −6, Theramed 6+, Elmex 6+, Colgate −6, Dontodent −6, Odol med 6+, Candida 6+, and Odol med −6 (black bars); child dentifrices exhibiting an LC50 between 5 and 20 % were Elmex −6, Odol med −5, nenedent®baby −2, and Nenedent −6 (dark-gray bars); child dentifrices exhibiting an LC50 above 95 % were Sensodyne 6+, Theramed −6, and Blendi −6 (light-gray bars)