Fig. 2.
Evans blue extravasation evaluation. Images in Panal A are representative samples of Evans blue-stained brain and brain sections. Evans blue staining was seen in the ischemic area in MCAO and KOR antagonist nor-BNI group. SA treatment without the KOR antagonist showed weak Evans blue staining in the striate area. Panel B indicates that SA mitigated blood brain barrier disruption. Vascular leakage was determined by measuring the amount of brain-extracted Evans blue by spectrophotometry at 610 nm and expressed as µg/hemisphere of brain tissue. SA administration reduced Evans blue leakage. However, nor-BNI given before the SA administration eliminated such protectgive effect. (#p<0.05 vs. sham; *p<0.05 vs. MCAO & nor-BNI+SA50). MCAO, middel cerebral artery occlusion; SA, salvinorin A; KOR, kappa opioid receptor; nor-BNI, norbinaltorphimine.