Circadian regulation of suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) neuronal excitability. A schematic that summarizes the daily changes in excitability of SCN neurons as a “bicycle model.” Each neuron has the intrinsic capacity to generate daily oscillations in electrical activity. During the day or “up-state,” a Na+ leak conductance (gNALCN) increases while the overall K+ conductance (gK) decreases, thereby resulting in an increase in input resistance (RIN) and a more depolarized membrane potential (Vm) and higher firing rates. At night, the neurons enter a “down-state,” with lower RIN, hyperpolarized Vm, elevated gK, and lower gNALCN and firing rates. In this way, the excitatory drive of Na-currents during the day is opposed by elevated K-currents at night. (Redrawn from data in Flourakis et al. 2015.)