Figure 5.
Analysis of admixtures using D-statistics. Genetic affinities were determined using D-statistics test D(P1, P2, P3, O) as defined previously (Durand et al. 2011). (A) Mezen Russian affinities; (B) Veps affinities; (C) Ust’-Ishim affinities; (D) Mal'ta boy (MA-1) and Afontova Gora (AG-2) affinities; (E) Ire8 and Ajv52 affinities. The affinities of a variable population X (orange color) relative to other populations were calculated using ADMIXTOOLS (Patterson et al. 2012) and shown under the D column. Statistical significance of admixture was expressed as a z-score and shown under the Z column. A green font was used to highlight significant admixtures between P1 and P3 (Z > 3). A blue font was used to highlight significant admixture between P2 and P3 (Z < −3). African San was used as an outgroup in all tests. (And) Andreapol; (Ust) Ustyuzhna; (Ob) Objachevo. D-Statistics results using different outgroups (Chimp, Mandenka, Mbuti) are shown in Supplemental Figures S13 and S17.