Figure 7.
Genetic relationships with ancient North Eurasians MA-1 and AG-2. Autosomal TreeMix admixture graph that includes ancient 7000-yr old La Brana (Spain) and low-coverage genomes of ancient Siberians MA-1 and AG-2. Residual plot for this graph is shown in Supplemental Figure S16. TreeMix model indicated multiple admixture events: 41% admixture (95% CI: 36%–45%) from the ANE clade represented by MA-1 and AG-2 individuals into Native Americans represented by Andean Highlanders, 43% admixture (95% CI: 38%–47%) between population related to Evenk and a common ancestor of Western Siberians (Mansi and Nenets), and 26% (95% CI: 16%–37%) admixture between population related to Even and modern-day Nenets. Additionally, Western Siberians and ANE are grouped together, indicating their shared genetic history.