Figure 2. Extracellular potassium inhibits TCR induced transcripts and function by suppressing Akt-mTOR phosphorylation.
(a) Pie chart representing proportional subpopulations of all transcripts following 2h re-stimulation of purified CD8+ T cells with anti-CD3/28 (b) Volcano plot of TCR induced genes briefly re-stimulated with anti CD3/28 in the indicated conditions. (c) TCR cross-linking induced calcium flux of CD8+ cells as measured by Fluo3 / FuraRed fluorescence in the indicated conditions. (d) Representative phosflow cytometry plots following TCR cross-linking in the indicated conditions. (e) Immunoblot analysis of the indicated phospho-residues in CD8+ T cells following TCR cross-linking (f) Quantitative phosflow analysis of cells activated as in (c) and (d) with representative flow cytometry in (g). (h) Quantification of the indicated phosphotidylinositol species in CD8+ T cells activated via TCR cross-linking in the indicated conditions. Error bars represent mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05; **P< 0.01 ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001 between selected relevant comparisons, 2-way ANOVA, (c-h) where noted additional [K+]e equal to 40mM (a,b,c) three biological replicates (d,f) three technical replicates per data point (h) three experimental replicates with pooled analysis displayed, (d-g) representative of at least three independent experiments.