Fig. 7.
NCC is involved in the compensatory increase in Na+ uptake by acute acid exposure. A: at 4 days postfertilization, preexposure to acidic water (pH 4.0) significantly increased Na+ uptake in control water. Such an increase was not observed when the influx was performed in Cl−-free water. *Statistical difference between pH 7.6 and pH 4.0 within control or Cl−-free condition, P < 0.05. x,y|Different letters represent a statistical difference between control and Cl−-free condition within pH 4.0 treatment (two-way ANOVA, N = 6), P < 0.05. B: preexposure to acidic water increased Na+ influx in sham, but not in NCC morphants (NCC MO). NCC MO also exhibited a higher Na+ influx than sham at pH 7.6. *Statistical difference between pH 7.6 and pH 4.0 within shams, P < 0.05. a,b|Different letters represent a statistical difference between shams and NCC MO at pH 7.6 (two-way ANOVA, N = 6), P < 0.05.