Fig. 7.
Effects of the SR-BIΔCT mutation in chow diet-fed apoE KO mice on aortic root (A, a and b) and coronary atherosclerosis (A, c and d and g and h), cardiac fibrosis (A, e and f), heart-to-body weight ratio (B), and survival (C). Hearts were harvested from 6- to 8-wk old standard chow diet-fed apoE KO (A, a, c, e, and g) and SR-BIΔCT/apoE KO (A, b, d, f, and h) mice as described in materials and methods; representative images are shown. a–d: Oil Red O -stained aortic root (a and b) and coronary artery (c and d) lesions (magnifications ×20 and ×100). e–h: Masson's trichrome-stained cross section of myocardium at low magnification (e and f, magnification ×10) and higher magnification (g and h, magnification ×100). Fibrotic tissue is stained blue and normal myocardium red. A patent coronary arteriole is seen in g (apoE KO), whereas a totally occluded arteriole is seen in h (SR-BIΔCT/apoE KO). B: heart-to-body weight ratios are expressed as milligrams of heart weight/gram of body weight. *P < 0.0001, for SR-BIΔCT/apoE KO compared with apoE KO hearts. P = 0.24 for WT compared with SR-BIΔCT hearts. C: Kaplan-Meier survival curves for chow-fed apoE KO and SR-BIΔCT/apoE KO (median age of death of 63 days) mice.