Table II.
Feature | A = Major | B = Minor |
Facial | Typical facial dysmorphology (also change with age) | Suggestive facial dysmorphology |
Cardiac | Pulmonary valve stenosis, HOCM and/or ECG Typical of Noonan syndrome | Other defect |
Height | < P3* | < P10* |
Chest wall | Pectus carinatum/excavatum | Broad thorax |
Family history | First-degree relative with definite Noonan syndrome | First-degree relative with suggestive Noonan syndrome |
Other features | Mental retardation, cryptorchidism, and lymphatic vessel dysplasia | One of mental retardation, cryptorchidism, or lymphatic vessel dysplasia |
HOCM – hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy;
P3 and P10 refer to percentile lines for height according to age, with the normal range of variation defined as P3-P97 inclusive: definitive Noonan syndrome: 1 “A” plus one other major sign or two minor signs; 1 “B” plus two major signs or three minor signs. Adapted with permission from van der Burgt I, Berends E, Lommen E, van Beersum S, Hamel B, Mari-man E. Clinical and molecular studies in a large Dutch family with Noonan syndrome. Am J Med Genet 1994; 53: 187-91.