TGF-β induces RelA/BRD4/CDK9 nuclear complex formation. Nuclear extracts of hSAECs with or without TGF-β stimulation were enriched by IP with Abs to RelA or BRD4, and the abundance of RelA, CDK9, and BRD4 proteins was determined by SID-SRM-MS. Data are normalized by the input protein concentration and plotted as fold change over control. Controls represent samples immunoprecipitated with IgG. A: SID-SRM-MS analysis of nuclear RelA complexes. RelA, CDK9, and BRD4 protein levels were determined in the samples immunoprecipitated with anti-RelA or control IgG. *P < 0.01 compared with regular hSAECs IPed with anti-RelA. B: SID-SRM-MS analysis of nuclear BRD4 complexes. BRD4, RelA, and CDK9 protein levels were determined in the samples immunoprecipitated with anti-BRD4 or control IgG. *P < 0.01 compared with regular hSAECs immunoprecipitated with anti-BRD4. Data are means ± SD from n = 3 experiments.