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. 2016 Dec 19;18(12):e331. doi: 10.2196/jmir.6814

Table 3.

Changes in physical activity and sedentary lifestyle at 3 months compared to baseline.

Measures of physical activity App+counseling (n=379) Counseling group (n=386) Mean difference (app+counseling—counseling group)d

Mean (95% CI) P Mean (95% CI) P Mean (95% CI) P
7-day PARa

Total minutes moderate activity/week 20.6 (–8.1, 49.2) .16 8.3 (–18.6, 35.2) .54 10.7 (–23.8, 45.2) .54

Minutes moderate activity in leisure minutes/week 28.4 (6.0, 50.8) .01 12.8 (–13.2, 38.8) .33 7.8 (–23.5, 39.2) .62

Total minutes vigorous/very vigorous activity/week 2.8 (–7.6, 13.1) .60 –0.7 (–10.0, 8.7) .89 3.5 (–8.3, 15.2) .56

Minutes vigorous/very vigorous activity in leisure minutes/week 0.7 (–9.5, 10.9) .89 –1.1 (–10.3, 8.1) .82 1.9 (–9.1, 13.0) .73

Total minutes MVPAc/week 23.3 (–5.4, 52.1) .11 7.7 (–19.8, 35.2) .58 14.2 (–20.1, 48.5) .42

Minutes MVPA in leisure minutes/week 29.1 (4.9, 53.3) .02 11.7 (–14.6, 38.1) .38 9.5 (–22.6, 41.6) .56

METb-minutes/week 88.8 (–42.8, 220.3) .18 14.5 (–108.7, 137.8) .82 72.4 (–76.4, 221.2) .34

MET-minutes/week in leisure time 110.5 (–5.0, 225.9) .06 26.9 (–90.3, 144.2) .65 51.5 (–90.0, 192.9) .47

Steps/day –1042.1 (–1401.7, –682.6) <.001 –584.2 (–961.2, –207.1) .002 –354.6 (–833.7, 124.4) .15

Counts minutes/week –12.9 (–18.6, –7.3) <.001 –6.8 (–13.3, –0.3) .04 –5.1 (–12.7, 2.5) .19

Sedentary minutes/week 167.7 (114.9, 220.5) <.001 125.6 (73.7, 177.6) <.001 32.9 (–37.6, 103.3) .36

Light minutes/week –113.0 –(154.4, –71.6) <.001 –96.6 (–137.3, –55.8) <.001 –14.3 (–69.6, 41.1) .61

Moderate minute /week –51.3 (–71.3, –31.4) <.001 –26.3 (–47.0, –5.5) .01 –14.8 (–40.8, 11.1) .26

Vigorous very vigorous minutes/week –3.4 (–6.9, , 0.2) .06 –2.8 (–6.7, 1.0) .15 –1.1 (–5.6, 3.4) .62

Total MVPA minutes/week –55.3 (–75.8, –34.9) <.001 –30.1 (–51.8, –8.4) .01 –15.9 (–42.8, 10.9) .24

MET-minutes/week –229.3 (–313.2, –145.4) <.001 –118.6 (–208.6, –28.7) .01 74.9 (–186.1, 36.2) .19

a 7-day PAR:7-day Physical Activity Recall;

bMET: metabolic equivalent

cMVPA: moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.

d Changes in app+counseling and counseling only group=data at 3 months–baseline.

e In accelerometer measurement, 335 participants in app+counseling group and 344 in counseling only group.