Fig. 4.
Expression levels of PMS1T-phasiRNAs in various genotypes. (A) Abundance of 21-nt PMS1T-phasiRNAs from young panicles of 58S and NIL(MH) at P2, P3, and P4 stages under long- and short-day conditions. The smRNA reads are normalized to the whole library with transcripts per 10 million (TP10M) and presented as the mean from two biological replicates. Differences were detected between 58S-LD and NIL(MH)-LD by t test at **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05, or #P < 0.1. (B and C) Abundance of 21-nt phasiRNAs from young panicles of transgenic T1 plants from Ubi:S (B) and 58S-dsi (C) under long-day conditions at P3 stage. Differences were detected by t test at *P < 0.05 or #P < 0.1, respectively. The smRNA data collecting and handing were as in A. (D and E) RNA blot analysis of 21-nt 6s phasiRNA in transgenic plants. Ten-microgram small RNAs per sample from young panicles at P3 stage were loaded on the gel. The samples in E are collected under long-day conditions. The blots were stripped off and rehybridized with U6 probe. The exposure time of the membranes are listed on the left. LD, long days; N, negative plants; P, positive plants; SD, short days.