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. 2017 Jan 3;7:39094. doi: 10.1038/srep39094

Table 1. Performance of TopHat2 and STAR spliced aligners on Total mRNA-seq and DMD mRNA-seq data for the detection of exon junctions in the DMD transcript.

Total mRNA-seq DMD mRNA-seq Total mRNA-seq DMD mRNA-seq
exon junctions: all 78 93 98 128
exon junctions: canonical 73 78 78 78
canonical junctions mean coverage (+/−SD) 142 (+/−84) 697 (+/−134) 117 (+/−69) 1144 (+/−254)
PE1a junctions mean coverage 0 5 0 97

“Exon junctions: all” refers to the number of detected junctions in the RNA-seq datasets including both canonical (n = 78 in the DMD gene) and new junctions due to alternative splicing events. Mean coverages given by TopHat2 and STAR for canonical junctions and for pseudoexon 1a (PE1a), a well-documented example of pseudoexon insertion in the mature muscular DMD transcript, are indicated.