Table 3. Continuous Bladder Irrigation with Hydration Evidence.
First Author, Year Study Design | Subjects | Findings | GRADE quality level |
Hajibabaie, 2008 Non-randomized trial with historical controls | 80 adult SCT patients | No HC prevalence difference between IV hydration versus IV hydration with CBI (p=0.11) | Moderate |
Vose, 1993 RCT | 200 adult SCT patients | No HC prevalence difference between IV hydration plus mesna versus IV hydration plus CBI but more bladder spasm, discomfort, and urinary tract infections in CBI group | High |
Meisenberg, 1994 Retrospective | 303 adult SCT patients | CBI plus IV hydration at 200ml/m2/hour is effective in preventing HC | Moderate |
Abbreviations: RCT = randomized control trial; SCT = stem cell transplant; IV = intravenous; CTX = Cytoxan; HC = hemorrhagic cystitis; CBI = continuous bladder irrigation