S107 improves proboscis extension and survival.
A, a model of age-dependent oxidation of RyR and the restorative effect of S107. B, a schematic of a Drosophila FK506-BP21 gene indicating the coding sequences (CDS), untranslated regions (UTR), and the location of the P-element (FK506-BP2KG00828). C–E, graphs represent the percentage of increase versus control (vehicle only) in flies fed S107 for indicated 1 week period in maximum (C), average velocity (D), and displacement (E) from wild type (black bars) and FK506-BP2 (fkbp2) mutant flies (gray bars). Average values were normalized to vehicle control values for each condition (n = 14–19 events from 7–10 flies). Significance was determined by Student's t test between S107 versus vehicle for each condition. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01. Error bars indicate S.E. F, median life span was calculated for wild type (wt) and FK506-BP2 (fkbp2) between 35 and 90 days. Significance was determined by log rank test. *, p < 10−6. MLS, median life span; Veh, vehicle.