Figure 4. The Nanos NED interacts with subunits of the deadenylase and decapping complexes.
A–FWestern blots showing the interaction of GFP‐tagged Dm Nanos (either full length, NED, or ΔNED) and the indicated HA‐tagged proteins. The co‐immunoprecipitations were performed using a polyclonal anti‐GFP antibody. GFP‐tagged firefly luciferase (F‐Luc) served as a negative control. Inputs and immunoprecipitates were analyzed using anti‐GFP and anti‐HA antibodies. For the GFP‐tagged proteins, 3% of the inputs and 10% of the immunoprecipitates were loaded, whereas for the HA‐tagged proteins, 1% of the input and 30% of the immunoprecipitates were analyzed. In all panels, cell lysates were treated with RNase A prior to immunoprecipitation.
Source data are available online for this figure.