Amino acid alignment of cld gene products from D. agitata (D.agit), I. dechloratans (I.dech), M. magnetotacticum (M.magn), “D. aromatica” (D.arom), Dechloromonas sp. strain LT1 (DcmLT1), Pseudomonas sp. strain PK (Ps. PK), “D. chlorophilus” (D.chlo), D. suillum (D.suil), “D. anomalous” (D.anom), Dechlorospirillum sp. strain DB (st. DB), and strain CR (st. CR). Numbers correspond to residues from the D. agitata mature protein. “∼” denotes alignment gaps; “-” denotes unknown sequence data; “.” denotes identical residues. The DCD-F/DCD-R primer set targeted the lightly shaded regions, while the UCD-238F/UCD-646 primer set targeted the darkly shaded regions.