CIM Property | Frequency range (kHz) with P-value < 0.05
Malignant-Benign (with OR) | Malignant-Benign (without OR) | |
R | 4–50 | 5–30 |
X | 5–1000 | 5–1000 -{300,500,700,800} |
|Z| | 4–100 | 5–50 |
Φ | 7–1000 | 10–1000 |
OR: Outlier Removal (data beyond 5th and 95th percentile was removed)
The numbers represent range of signal frequencies for which the null hypothesis that the two datasets had same population mean can be rejected at a significance level of 0.05 (P-value<0.05). T-test was performed. The numbers in the parenthesis list the frequencies that are exception within the given range of signal frequencies.