FIG. 6.
Effects of Mg2+ on several reference bacteria and rhizoplane bacteria. Test bacteria were inoculated into Mg2+-free HSG medium (open bars) or HSG medium containing 0.98 mM Mg2+ (shaded bars) and were incubated for 2 days. Among the test bacteria, those originally isolated from plant surfaces responded to Mg2+, but the others, from mammals, showed no growth in HSG medium containing 0.98 mM Mg2+. When the cell growth is nearly negative in the Mg2+-free medium while clearly positive in the Mg2+-containing medium, the threshold level of required Mg2+ for the bacterium is thought to be comparatively high (e.g., S. yanoikuyae EC-S001 or B. subtilis IFO12113). On the other hand, bacteria which grow well in the Mg2+-free medium are regarded as possessing a low threshold level of Mg2+ (e.g., B. cepacia EC-K014). Values are averages from triplicate experiments after 48 h of incubation. Error bars, standard deviations. All experiments were performed in triplicate (n = 3), except for S. yanoikuyae EC-S001 (n = 9) and B. subtilis IFO12113 (n = 6).