Scanning Electron Microscopy Analyses of Wild-Type, napp-1, and pirp-1 Trichomes.
(A) Developing wild-type trichome with elongating branches.
(B) and (C) Developing napp-1 (B) and pirp-1 (C) trichomes (stage 4); branch initiation is apparently normal, but branch elongation is delayed/reduced, and trichome stalk diameter is increased.
(D) Mature wild-type trichome with a thin stalk and branches of similar length.
(E) and (F) Mature napp-1 (E) and pirp-1 (F) trichomes with increased stalk diameter, irregular branch position, and highly reduced secondary and tertiary branch lengths.
Bars = 10 μm in (A), (B), and (C) and 50 μm in (D), (E), and (F).