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. 2017 Jan 4;7:205. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00205

Table 1.

Citations included in resting-state functional connectivity functional MRI (fMRI) in autism literature analysis.

Citation Method Connectivity Global/local Data set Scan time (s) Total sample size Sex (♀ out of total) Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) mean age (years) Brain regions examined
Abrams et al. (50) Seed UC Global Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) 360 39 8 9.96 pSTS
Alaerts et al. (51) ReHo, Seed B Global/local ABIDE 215 0 16 pSTS
Alaerts et al. (52) Seed UC Global 420 30 0 21.7 Whole brain (240 volumes)
Anderson et al. (53) SOM B Global/local 480 92 0 22.4
Anderson et al. (54) GT OC Global ABIDE Variable 964 142 na
Anderson et al. (55) SOM UC Global 480 80 0 22.7 Whole brain (90 subdivisions)
Assaf et al. (56) ICA UC Global 315 30 3 15.7 DMN
Barttfeld et al. (57) Seed B Global 442 24 7 23.7 Networks: frontoparietal, cingulo-opercular, DMN, occipital, sensorimotor, cerebellar
Bos et al. (58) ICA B Global/local 600 56 0 11.8
Cardinale et al. (59) ICA B Global 376 40 3 14.6 Whole brain (networks: frontoparietal, visual, executive control, auditory, sensorimotor)
Cerliani et al. (60) ICA OC Global ABIDE na 359 0 17.6 19 RSNs (sensory, FTP, subcortical, cerebellum, paralimbic, saliency, DMN)
Cheng et al. (61) VWs B Global ABIDE Variable 927 136 17.17 Whole brain
Cherkassky et al. (46) Seed UC Global Block 114 9 24 PCC, vACC, PrC, mPFC, PHG, insula, IPC
Chien et al. (62) Seed OC na 360 82 0 12.38 pTPJ
Delmonte et al. (63) Seed OC Global 438 42 0 17.28 IFGpo, IGFpt, frontal pole, MFG, SFG, subcallosal cortex, ACC, precentral gyrus, supplemental motor area, amygdala, putamen, caudate, NACC, paracingulate gyrus
Di Martino et al. (49) ReHo, Seed, SOM B Global/local ABIDE Variable 709 0 na Whole Brain and region-of-interest (ROI) seed (mPFC, PCC)
Di Martino et al. (64) Seed OC Global 398 40 9 10.4 Whole brain (caudate and putamen)
Di Martino et al. (49) GT OC Global ABIDE 360 149 28 10.1 Whole brain
Dinstein et al. (65) Seed UC Global Block 72 na 2.42 LPFC, IFG, CS, aIPS, STG, LOS
Doyle-Thomas et al. (66) Seed B Global/local 283 115 0 12.3 DMN (mPFC, ACC, MTG, PrC)
Ebisch et al. (67) Seed UC Global 516 29 6 15.79 Insula, intraparietal sulcus, precentral sulcus, middle temporal regions
Eilam-Stock et al. (68) VWs, Seed B Global/local 360 32 na 26.1 Whole brain and ROI seed (PCC)
Fishman et al. (38) Seed B Global 370 50 8 14.8 ToM (mPFC, TPJ, PCC) and MNS (bilateral aIPS, pSTS, PMC)
Gotts et al. (69) na 60 3 16.92
Gotts et al. (70) VWs UC Global 490 51 3 16.92 Whole brain
Hahamy et al. (71) VWs B Global/local ABIDE Variable 141 20 26.6 Whole brain
Iidaka (72) VWs B Global/local ABIDE Variable 640 100 13.2
Itahashi et al. (73) GT B Global na 92 14 31.11 Whole brain
Itahashi et al. (74) GT B Local na 100 14 30.82 Whole brain
Jones et al. (75) SOM, Seed UC Block 37 0 16.1
Jung et al. (76) Seed UC Global 462 40 0 25.3 aMPFC and PCC
Kennedy and Courchesne (47) Seed UC Global 430 24 0 26.5 DMN, dorsal attention
Kennedy et al. (48) Seed na na Block 29 0 25.49 DMN
Keown et al. (77) GT B Local 370 58 11 13.8 Whole brain
Khan et al. (78) Seed B Global 370 56 8 14.27 PFC, S1, STC, premotor and primary motor cortices, PMC, PPC, OOC, inferior MTG, cerebellum
Lee et al. (79) VWs UC Both ABIDE Variable 975 144 16.2 Whole brain
Long et al. (80) Voxel combinations UC Both ABIDE na 128 20 9.6, 13.7, 25.4a Whole brain
Lynch et al. (81) Seed B Global 360 39 8 9.96 PCC, RsC, PrC, PMC
Maximo et al. (82) ReHo, GT B Local 370 58 11 13.8 Whole brain
Monk et al. (83) Seed B Both 600 24 3 26.5 DMN
Müeller et al. (84) ICA UC na 360 24 7 35.5 Whole brain
Murdaugh et al. (85) VWs UC Global Block 27 0 21.4 DMN (mPFC, vACC, PCC, PrC, AG, IPL)
Nair et al. (86) B na 370 46 7 15
Nebel et al. (87) Seed B Local ABIDE Variable 868 0 16.1 Precentral gyrus
Nebel et al. (88) Seed O Local 420 104 32 10.7 Primary motor cortex
Nielson et al. (89) GT na ABIDE Variable 1,112 142 16.6 Whole brain (7,266 ROIs)
Nomi and Uddin (90) ICA B Global/local ABIDE 360 144 27 9.51 Whole brain
Olivito et al. (91) Seed B Global 440 44 22 23.8 Whole brain (dentate nucleus seed region)
Paakki et al. (92) ReHo B Local 456 55 17 14.58 Whole brain
Padmanabhan et al. (93) Seed B Global na 90 14 17.28 Striatum, DC, ventral striatum, putamen
Plitt et al. (94) Seed na na ABIDE 490 118 0 17.66
Price et al. (95) ICA na na 360 60 na 9.69 ICN
Ray et al. (96) GT OC Global ABIDE 300 56 17 10.1 219 Cortical ROIs
Redcay et al. (97) GT OC Global na 28 0 17.8 Networks: cingulo-opercular, cerebellar, frontoparietal, DMN
Rudie and Dapretto (98) GT B Global/local 360 79 12 13.5 Networks: visual, motor, attention, DMN
Shukla et al. (99) B Local Block 55 2 13.7
Starck et al. (100) ICA UC Global/local 450 50 13 14.9 DMN
Superkar et al. (101) ICA Default mode network development in typically developing children 44 24
Tyszka et al. (102) ICA, Seed UC na 300 39 na 27.4 Whole brain
Uddin et al. (103) Seed B Global/local 360 67 5 9.9 Networks: CEN (r-dlPFC, rPPC) and SN (right frontal insula, ACC)
Verly et al. (104) Seed UC Global 420 42 11 14 IFG, STG, dlPFC, MFG, premotor cortex, cerebellar lobule VI, Crus I
von dem Hagen et al. (105) ICA, Seed UC Global 598 43 0 30 mPFC, PCC, AG, insula, amygdala
Washington et al. (106) ICA, Seed B Global/local 393 48 6 10.88 vACC/mPFC, dACC/mPFC, PCC, MTG, IPL
Weng et al. (107) Seed UC Global 600 31 3 15 DMN (PCC/PRc, mPFC, AG)
Wiggins et al. (108) SOM UC Global 600 80 15 15.3 DMN (PCC, PrC, Rsp, IPL, STG, mPFC, SFG, PHG)
You et al. (109) SOM, GT B Global/local 308.4 31 10 11.2 Whole brain
Ypma et al. (110) SEED UC Global ABIDE na 1,114 210 12–18 DMN via graph theoretical analysis based on prior meta-analytic findings. Sample reflects primary and ABIDE datasets only

Inclusion required articles to directly compare individuals with ASD using resting-state fMRI. Authors examined the method of analysis used, the type of connectivity reported, and whether this connectivity was considered global or local as reported by the original authors. We were also interested in noting which studies utilized the ABIDE data set [Di Martino et al. (49)] and the sample represented in terms of sample size, mean age, and sex. We also include a report of brain regions examined (specifically for ROI Seed analyses) and networks explored. Superkar et al. (110) is also included as it is one of the first papers to examine the developmental changes in the DMN in a longitudinal study design.

AG, angular gyrus; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; aIPS, anterior intraparietal sulcus; aMPFC, anterior medial prefrontal cortex; B, both; CEN, central executive network; CS, central sulcus; DMN, default mode network; DC, dorsal caudate; dlPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; GT, graph theory; ICA, independent component analysis; ICN, intrinsic connectivity networks; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; IPC, intraparietal cortex; IPL, intraparietal lobule; LOS, lateral occipital sulcus; LPFC, lateral prefrontal cortex; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; MFG, medial frontal gyrus; MNS, mirror neuron system; MTG, medial temporal gyrus; na, not available; NACC, nucleus accumbens; OC, over-connectivity; OOC, occipital lobe; PHG, parahippocampal gyrus; PrC, precuneus; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; PMC, premotor cortex; pSTS, posterior superior temporal sulcus; pTPJ, posterior temporal parietal junction; ReHo, regional homogeneity; RsC, retrosplenial cortex; Seed, region-of-interest seed-based analysis; SOM, self-organizing maps; SFG, superior frontal gyrus; STC, superior temporal cortex; STG, superior temporal gyrus; SN, salience network; S1, primary somatosensory cortex; TPJ, temporal parietal junction; ToM, Theory of Mind; vACC, ventral anterior cingulate cortex; UC, under-connectivity.

aChild, adolescent, and adult subgroups.