Fig. 2.
Hematological parameters in wild-type and hepcidin knockout mice. Included are liver iron (A), serum hepcidin (B), mean corpuscular volume (MCV; C), and hemoglobin (D) for all groups. a: Statistically significant pairwise comparison of low- vs. standard-iron groups within the wild-type control, wild-type CKD, hepcidin knockout control, and/or hepcidin knockout CKD cohorts. b: Statistically significant pairwise comparison of control vs. CKD groups within the wild-type low-iron, wild-type standard-iron, hepcidin knockout low-iron, and/or hepcidin knockout standard-iron cohorts; c: statistically significant pairwise comparison of wild-type vs. hepcidin knockout groups within the CKD low-iron and/or CKD standard-iron cohorts. Given multiple comparison testing, the Benjamini-Hochberg correction was used. Data are presented as medians and interquartile ranges, with box plot whiskers representing the 10th and 90th percentiles; n = 6–14 mice/group.