Erfe mRNA expression is highly increased during
infection with Plasmodium berghei K173.
Epo mRNA expression was highly induced in the
kidney of infected mice (A). Increased EPO production was accompanied by
a massive increase in spleen index (B), Gypa (C) and
Erfe mRNA expression (D) in the bone marrow and the
spleen. Gypa mRNA expression (C) decreased between day
0 and day 3 in the bone marrow and the spleen and increased in the
spleen between day 15 and 18. Data shown are mean ± sem and were
compared for each time point to values for control mice at t=0 (n=5 to
10 mice per group except at day 18 where only 3 mice had survived) by
one-way ANOVA. (A, B)
**P<0.01 and (C, D)
*P<.05 for the marrow and
###P<0.001, ##P<0.01,
#P<0.05 for the spleen. Spleen index = spleen
weight in mg/body weight in g. PbK: Plasmodium berghei
K173; A.U: arbitrary units.