Ablation of Erfe leads to impaired regulation of
hepcidin and iron retention in the stores during infection with
Plasmodium berghei K173. Repetitive blood
collection did not influence serum hepcidin concentration in saline
controls (A). Serum hepcidin levels (B) were significantly decreased
below baseline at days 13 and 16 after infection in WT mice (solid line,
dotted symbols) but not in Erfe-deficient mice (dashed
line, triangle symbols). At day 16 after infection with PbK,
Hamp mRNA expression (C) was suppressed in WT but
not in Erfe−/− mice. As a
result, Erfe−/− mice had
higher spleen iron content than WT mice (D). (A, B) The same mice were
monitored between day 0 and 16 (n=6 mice per genotype for PbK-treated
mice and 4 mice per genotype for saline controls). Data shown are mean
± sem and were compared for each mice at each time point to
values at t=0 (***P<0.001,
**P<0.01) and between WT and
Erfe−/− mice
(###P<0.001, ##P<0.01,
#P<0.05) by two-tailed Student’s
t-test (n=6 mice per group). (C-D) Data shown are
mean ± sem and were compared for each genotype between mice
injected with saline and PbK
**P<0.01) and between WT and
Erfe−/− mice
(##P<0.01, #P<0.05) at day
16 by two-tailed Student’s t-test. WT:
wild-type; PbK: Plasmodium berghei K173.