Figure 2.
A case study showing the usage of DiseaseMeth version 2.0. (A) The AdvanceSearch page with NKAPL input as the Gene Symbol, READ, LIHC, PRAD and BRCA selected as Disease, and 450k chosen as the Technology Experimental Platform. (B) Search results page. (C) The Analyze menu options page. (D) Transcription matching results for each gene symbol on the top of the page. And the ‘Select Region of Interest’ option controller. (E) The analysis results included in seven tabs. (F) The Diff Case-Control tab. (G) The Disease–Gene Association tab. (H) The Methylation Profile tab. (I) The Survival Analysis tab. (J) The functional annotation results tab. (K) Relationship analysis based on DNA methylation of genes. (L) The Disease–Disease Relationship Analysis tab. (M) Visualization of NKAPL in DisMethBrowser.