SlRd2 dimerization is required for its interaction with SlCipk6. A, Y2H assay performed with SlCipk6 and SlCipk6(T1172D) in the bait vector pEG202 and SlRd2Δdim in the prey vector pJG4-5. Clones were transformed into EGY48 strain, grown in liquid culture, and spotted at OD600 = 0.1 and 0.01 on selective medium. Growth and blue patches indicates interaction. A Y2H experiment performed with SlRd2 and SlCipk6 was used as a control. B, Fluorescence images of N. benthamiana epidermal cells expressing SlRd2Δdim-YFPC and SlCipk6-YFPN. YFP signal was not reconstituted in the BiFC experiment (a), confirming that SlRd2 dimerization is required for the interaction with SlCipk6 in planta. A BiFC experiment performed with SlRd2 and SlCipk6 was used as a control (b). Bars = 10 μm.