Fig. 3.
A linear heterogeneous model for the stability of the Notch ankyrin domain. (A) Linear model ascribing a free energy contribution of each repeat (ΔG1° through ΔG7°), as defined by end deletion. (B) Observed vs. predicted folding free energies of Notch deletion constructs. Predicted values were estimated from a jackknife procedure in which coefficients were iteratively calculated from subsets of the data in which different constructs were omitted. Coefficients were then used to calculate the folding free energies of each omitted construct. The correlation coefficient is 0.9556. Inset shows observed vs. predicted folding free energies of Notch ankyrin deletion constructs from a simple multiple-linear regression on all constructs. The correlation coefficient is 0.9975. (C) Coefficients for the energetic contribution of each ankyrin repeat calculated from the linear heterogeneous model. The coefficient for ankyrin repeat 4 reflects only the intrinsic stability of the repeat, whereas the other coefficients capture both the intrinsic and interfacial stabilities (see Results and Discussion).