Figure 5.
(a) Percentage of female North Atlantic right whale 4‐year energy budgets allocated to pregnancy (black), lactation (gray), and female maintenance (white) costs and mean additional costs associated with drag from entanglement in fishing gear (blue) over minimum (left) and maximum (right) entanglement durations for eight females. Error bars show SD. (b) Percentage of 2‐year energy budget allocated to pregnancy (black), lactation (gray), and female maintenance (white) for Southern minke (Lockyer, 1981a), gray (Villegas‐Amtmann et al., 2015), Southern fin (Lockyer, 1981b, 1987), and blue (Lockyer, 1981b) whales. (c) cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the time to energetic equilibrium (to restore energy lost by a particular entanglement) for entangled female right whales (n = 8) based on their minimum (blue solid) and maximum (blue dashed) entanglement durations