Figure 3.
Eye position for individual smooth pursuit trials relative to the center of a small, 0.6° (A) or big, 1.7° (B) target for participant P7. Solid blue ovals mark fixation +68% BCEAs calculated over 10 s of fixation and placed at target center for reference. Dashed ovals mark the region within the 68% BCEA of the target perimeter. Dot cluster of each color represents an individual smooth pursuit trial, and each dot is a single frame from that trial. Target is centered at (0, 0). Crosses are per-trial average eye positions. Inset: Criteria for eye–position location. Blue, solid oval marks the BCEA around the target center (+). Solid dots represent eye positions on the target center, (that fall within the BCEA), whereas open circles are outside the target center, even when fixation stability (BCEA) is taken into account. The dashed oval marks the locus of fixations within BCEA of the target perimeter and includes eye positions on any part of the target (see relative increase in the number of solid dots).