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. 2017 Jan 5;120(1):49–65. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.309321

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-3 protects from sudden death because of aortic dissection or aneurysm rupture in Apoe−/− mice. A, Kaplan–Meier curves of survival free from aneurysm rupture in 28 days Ang II–infused hypercholesterolemic Timp3+/+ Apoe−/− and Timp3−/− Apoe−/− mice, n=15 to 20/group. Quantification of (B) vessel diameter and (C) average wall thickness in Timp3+/+ Apoe−/− and Timp3−/− Apoe−/− mice, n=6 to 8/group. D, Representative elastin van Gieson–stained abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs; i and ii) and higher magnification monochrome images (iii and iv) from Timp3+/+ Apoe−/− and Timp3−/− Apoe−/− mice and associated quantification of elastin content (E) and fragmentation (F). Scale bars represent 200 μm, and red arrows depict external elastic lamellae. Quantification of (G) smooth muscle cell (acta2) to macrophage (CD68) ratio, (H) p53, and (I) Bax expression in Timp3+/+ Apoe−/− and Timp3−/− Apoe−/− mice with preexisting AAAs, n=6 to 8/group. Statistical comparisons were made using log-rank test (A) or 2-tailed Student t test (BI), *P<0.05 and **P<0.01 compared with Timp3+/+ Apoe−/− mice. In all cases, data represent the mean±SEM.