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Title |
Identify the research as a single-case experimental design in the title |
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Abstract |
Summarize the research question, populalion, design, methods including in!ervention/s (independent variable/s) and target behavior/s and any other outcome/s (dependent variable/s), results, and conclusions |
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Scientific background |
Describe the scientific background to identify issue/s under analysis, current scientific knowledge, and gaps in that knowledge base |
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Aims |
State the purpose/aims of the study, research question/s, and, if applicable, hypotheses |
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Design |
ldemify the design (e.g., withdrawal/reversal, multiple-baseline, alternating-treatments, changing-criterion, some combination thereof, or adaptive design) and describe the phases and phase sequence (whether determined a priori or data-driven) and, if applicable, criteria for phase change |
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Procedural changes |
Describe any procedural changes that occurred during the course of the investigation after the start of the study |
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Replication |
Describe any planned replication |
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Randomization |
State whether randomization was used, and if so, describe the randomization method and the elements of the study that were randomized |
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Blinding |
State whether blinding/masking was used, and if so, describe who was blinded/masked |
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Selection criteria |
State the inclusion and exclusion criteria, if applicable, and the method of recruitment |
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Participant characteristics |
For each participant, describe the demographic characteristics and clinical (or other) features relevant to the research question, such that anonymity is ensured |
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Setting |
Describe characteristics of the setting and location where the study was conducted |
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Ethics |
State whether ethics approval was obtained and indicate if and how informed consent and/or assent were obtained |
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Measures |
Operationally define all target behaviors and outcome measures, describe reliability and validity, state how they were selected, and how and when they were measured |
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Equipment |
Clearly describe any equipment and/or materials (e.g., technological aids, biofeedback, computer programs, intervention manuals or other material resources) used to measure target behavior/s and other outcome/s or deliver the interventions |
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Intervention |
Describe the intervention and control condition in each phase, including how and when they were actually administered, with as much detail as possible to facilitate attempts at replication |
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Procedural fidelity |
Describe how procedural fidelity was evaluated in each phase |
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Analyses |
Describe and justify all methods used to analyze data |
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Sequence completed |
For each participant, report the sequence actually completed, including the number of trials for each session for each case. For participant/s who did not complete, state when they stopped and the reasons |
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Outcomes and estimation |
For each participant, report results, including raw data, for each target behavior and other outcome/s |
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Adverseevents |
State whether or not any adverse events occurred for any participant and the phase in which they occurred |
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Interpretation |
Summarize findings and interpret the results in the context of current evidence |
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Limitations |
Discuss limitations, addressing sources of potential bias and imprecision |
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Applicability |
Discuss applicability and implications of the study findings |
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Protocol |
If available, state where a study protocol can be accessed |
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Funding |
Identify source/s of funding and other support; describe the role of funders |